
ARTIST ROOMS is a collection of international modern and contemporary art, established through one of the largest and most imaginative gifts of art ever made to museums in Britain. It is owned on behalf of the United Kingdom by the National Galleries of Scotland and Tate, who together care for the Collection and arrange for its presentation across the country.

The d'Offay Donation was made in 2008, with the assistance of the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF),  Art Fund and the Scottish and British governments.

The Artist Rooms Foundation is a charity dedicated to promoting art for the benefit of the public, and to support the aims and activities of ARTIST ROOMS.

ARTIST ROOMS On Tour is supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, Art Fund, and in Scotland, the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.


Since 2009, nearly 60 million visitors have passed through the doors of ARTIST ROOMS.

211 exhibitons have been shown at 95 museums and galleries across the United Kingdom to date.

Some 800,000 young adults and children have learned about art through the learning programmes offered.


Email us at marie-louise@artistroomsfoundation.org

Follow us on instagram.com/artistrooms


The Artist Rooms Foundation thanks the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, New York for its generous support, which made possible the creation of this website.