Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol, Sussex


De La Warr Pavilion


ARTIST ROOMS: Warhol is Here sought to explore the artist's work in the context of his beliefs, lifestyle and, above all, his legacy for the twenty-first century. As elsewhere in the ARTIST ROOMS programme, the exhibition placed a particular emphasis upon appealing to a young audience who have been exposed more to the myth of Warhol than the underlying content and context of his work. This major show comprised posters, drawings, paintings and sculpture from the ARTIST ROOMS collection alongside loans from private and public collections.

Speaking about the exhibition in the accompanying catalogue, Anthony d'Offay said that "Warhol is among those great artists whose life seems at first sight to have ended abruptly but who nonetheless left behind a body of work that feels complete. His late work, in its relentless obsession with mortality, suggests that a circle is being closed, that the artist possessed an intuitive understanding of his own impending death... His work is strangely prophetic. To such a degree that twenty-five years after his death it feels that his paintings are commenting directly on now."

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